Parallel reduction patterns

An often recurring programming idiom is the use of atomic operations for data aggregation (e.g. to calculate a sum). I noted this when inspecting the code from several Quasar users. In the most simple form, this idiom is as follows (called the JDV variant):

total = 0.0
#pragma force_parallel
for m=0..511
    for n=0..511
        total += im[m,n]

However, it could also be more sophisticated as well (called the HQL variant):

A = zeros(2,2)
#pragma force_parallel
for i=0..255        
    A[0,0] += x[i,0]*y[i,0]
    A[0,1] += x[i,0]*y[i,1]
    A[1,0] += x[i,1]*y[i,0]
    A[1,1] += x[i,1]*y[i,1]

Here, the accumulator variables are matrix elements, also multiple accumulators are used inside a for loop.

Even though this code is correct, the atomic add (+=) may result in a poor performance on GPU devices, due to all adds being serialized in the hardware (all threads need to write to the same location in memory, so there is a spin-lock that basically serializes all the memory write accesses). The performance is often much worse than performing all operations in serial!

The obvious solution is the use of shared memory, thread synchronization in combination with parallel reduction patterns. I found that such algorithms are actually quite hard to write well, taking all side-effects in consideration, such as register pressure, shared memory pressure. To avoid Quasar users from writing these more sophisticated algorithms, the Quasar compiler now detects the above pattern, under the following conditions:

  • All accumulator expressions (e.g. total, A[0,0]) should be 1) variables, 2) expressions with constant numeric indices or 3) expressions with indices whose value does not change during the for-loop.
  • The accumulator variables should be scalar numbers. Complex-valued numbers and fixed-length vectors are currently not (yet) supported.
  • Only full dimensional parallel reductions are currently supported. A sum along the rows or columns can not be handled yet.
  • There is an upper limit on the number of accumulators (due to the size limit of the shared memory). For 32-bit floating point, up to 32 accumulators and for 64-bit floating point, up to 16 accumulators are supported. When the upper limit is exceeded, the generated code will still work, but the block size will silently be reduced. This, together with the impact on the occupancy (due to high number of registers being used) might lead to a performance degradation.

For the first example, the loop transformer will generate the following code:

function total:scalar = __kernel__ opt__for_test1_kernel(im:mat,$datadims:ivec2,blkpos:ivec2,blkdim:ivec2)
    % NOTE: the for-loop on line 14 was optimized using the parallel reduction loop transform.        

    while ($m<$datadims[0])
        while ($n<$datadims[1])

    while ($bit<blkdim[0])
        if (mod(blkpos[0],(2*$bit))==0)

    while ($bit<blkdim[1])
        if (mod(blkpos[1],(2*$bit))==0)
    if (sum(blkpos)==0)


Note that variables starting with $ are only used internally by the compiler, so please do not use them yourself.

Some results (NVidia Geforce 435M), for 100 iterations:

#pragma force_parallel (atomic add):        609 ms
#pragma force_serial:                       675 ms
#pragma force_parallel (reduction pattern): 137 ms (NEW)

So in this case, the parallel reduction pattern results in code that is about 4x-5x faster.

Conclusion: 5x less code and 5x faster computation time!

What should I do: actually nothing.