Multi-level breaks in sequential loops

Sometimes, small language features can make a lot of difference (in terms of code readability, productivity etc.). In Quasar, multi-dimensional for-loops are quite common. Recently, I came across a missing feature for dealing with multi-dimensional loops.

Suppose we have a multi-dimensional for-loop, as in the following example:

for m=0..511
    for n=0..511
        im_out[m,n] = 255-im[m,n]
        if m==128
        a = 4

Suppose that we want to break outside the loop, as in the above code. This is useful for stopping the processing at a certain point. There is only one caveat: the break-statement only applies to the loop that surrounds it. In the above example, the processing of row 128 is simply stopped at column 0 (the loop over n is interrupted), but it is then resumed starting from row 129. Some programmers are not aware of this, sometimes this can lead to less efficient code, as in the following example:

for j = 0..size(V,0)-1
    for k=0..size(V,1)-1
        if V[j,k]

Here we perform a sequential search, to find the first matrix element for which V[j,k] != 0. When this matrix element is found, the search is stopped. However, because the break statement stops the inner loop, the outer loop is still executed several times (potentially leading to a performance degradation).

1. Solution with extra variables

To make sure that we break outside the outer loop, we would have to introduce an extra variable:

break_outer = false
for j = 0..size(V,0)-1
    for k=0..size(V,1)-1
        if V[j,k]
            break_outer = true
    if break_outer

It is clear that this approach is not very readible. The additional variable break_outer is also a bit problematic (in the worst case, if the compiler can not filter it out, extra stack memory/registers will be required).

2. Encapsulation in a function

An obvious alternative is the use of a function:

function found = my_func()
    for j = 0..size(V,0)-1
        for k=0..size(V,1)-1
            if V[j,k]
found = my_func()

However, the use of function is sometimes not desired for this case. It also involves extra work, such as adding the input/output parameters and adding a function call.

3. New solution: labeling loops

To avoid the above problems, it is now possible to label the for loops (as in e.g. ADA, java):

    for j = 0..size(V,0)-1
        for k=0..size(V,1)-1
            if V[j,k]
                break outer_loop

Providing labels to for-loops is optional, i.e. you only have to do it when it is needed. The new syntax is also supported by the following finding in programming literature:

In 1973 S. Rao Kosaraju refined the structured program theorem by proving that it’s possible to avoid adding additional variables in structured programming, as long as arbitrary-depth, multi-level breaks from loops are allowed. [11]

Note that Quasar has no goto labels (it will never have). The reasons are:

  • Control flow blocks can always be used instead. Control flow blocks offer more visual cues which enhances the readability of the code.
  • At the compiler-level, goto labels may make it more difficult to optimize certain operations (e.g. jumps to different scopes).


  • This applies to the keyword continue as well.
  • Labels can be applied to for, repeatuntil and while loops.
  • In the future, more compiler functionality may be added to make use of the loop labels. For example, it may be possible to indicate that multiple loops (with the specified names) must be merged.
  • It is not possible to break outside a parallel loop! The reason is that the execution of the different threads is (usually) non-deterministic, hence using breaks in parallel-loops would result in non-deterministic results.
  • However, loop labels can be attached to either serial/parallel loops. A useful situation is an iterative algorithm with an inner/outer loop.